The Vedanta Academy is an institution dedicated to the study and teaching of Vedanta, an ancient philosophy rooted in the Indian scriptures. Founded by Swami A. Parthasarathy in 1988, the academy is located in a serene environment near Mumbai, India, providing a space for deep intellectual and spiritual evolution. It offers a structured, three-year residential course covering the philosophy of Vedanta for students between the ages of 18 and 25. The curriculum is designed to develop self-management and life skills, helping individuals integrate Vedantic wisdom into daily life for holistic well-being, personal growth and spiritual evolution.
Retreat at the Vedanta Academy for teens and young adults.
Find answers to your questions. An opportunity to decode and optimise your daily life with the tools and techniques of Vedanta
Designed for study class members and those enrolled in Swami A Parthasarathy's e-learning courses
Retreat at the Vedanta Academy that introduces the ancient wisdom to beat stress and find balance in life
Retreat at the Vedanta Academy for teens and young adults.
Find answers to your questions. An opportunity to decode and optimise your daily life with the tools and techniques of Vedanta
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